Dear friends of the Way.
We hereby summon you to the General Assembly of the Deshimaru Taisen Zen Association to be held at ShorinJi during the Autumn Sesshin on Saturday, October 14th at 17:00.
The topics to be discussed will be:
Renewal of the annual membership fee as well as new memberships.
Election or renewal of the Board of Directors.
Review of the Treasury: annual balance sheet.
Review of ongoing projects, new projects (Samu) and balance sheet.
Review of the historical events of the Sangha.
Approval of the new membership card in digital format.
Requests and suggestions.
If you are unable to attend the assembly, please delegate your vote to one of the board members, Bárbara Richaudeau, José Fernández, Emita Ferreira or Ventura Carneiro, by filling in the following form:
Participation is important, so that everyone can contribute from their position and condition. If the energy is not nourished, the meeting becomes totally sterile and meaningless. If you are unable to attend, you can write down any proposals you have to be addressed on your behalf.
If you wish to receive this information by post, please send us an email with the subject “Convocatoria Asamblea General. AZTD postal” to and we will send you this information and the delegation of vote by post.
Thank you for your participation, receive a cordial greeting.
Asociación Zen Taisen Deshimaru