India's second patriarch
Sutras tell that the Buddha, giving a conference in front of numerous people at the Vulture´s Peak, stopped speaking for a moment and, smiling, held a flower and made it turn in his hand. Mahakashyapa, his disciple, was one among the thousands of people present but the only one to see his gesture. So, Mahakashyapa smiled too. At this moment, they both look at each other. Mahakashyapa’s spirit turned into a complete intimacy with Buddha’s spirit. He was illuminated by the Buddha´s spirit and both were the same spirit.
Then the Buddha addressed the assembly and said:
I have a very subtle teaching, the Treasure of the Eye of True Dharma. I now transmit it to Mahakashyapa.
Here took place the first intimate Dharma transmission. It is considered as the first link in the succession of Zen Masters, which still perpetuates itself in our days. A transmission beyond words and texts: I Shin Den Shin: from my spirit to your spirit.
1. Mahakasyapa
3. Shanavashin
4. Upagupta
5. Dhitika
6. Mishaka
7. Vasumitra
8. Buddhanandi
9. Buddhamitra
10. Parshva
11. Punyayasha
12. Anabodhi
13. Kapimala
14. Nagarjuna
15. Kanadeva
16. Rahulabhadra
17. Samghanandi
18. Samghayathata
19. Kumaralata
20. Shayata
21. Vasubandhu
22. Manorata
23. Haklenayasha
24. Simhabodhi
25. Bashashita
26. Punyamitra
27. Prajnadhara
28. Bodhidharma
1. Bodhidharma
2. Taiso Eka
3. Kanchi Sosan
4. Daihi Doshin
5. Daiman Konin
6. Daikan Eno
7. Seigen Gyoshi
8. Sekito Kisen
9. Yakusan Igen
10. Ungan Donjo
11. TozanRyokai
12. Ungo Doyo
13. Doan Dohi
14. Doan Kanshi
15. Ryozan Enkan
16. Taiyo Kyogen
17. Toshi Gisei
18. Fuyo Dokai
19. TankaShinjun
20. Choro Seiryo
21. TendoSokaku
22. SetchoChikan
23. Tendo Nyojo
24. Eihei Dogen
1. Eihei Dogen
2. Kohun Ejo
3. Tettsu Gikai
4. Keizan Jokin
5. Meiho Sotetsu
6. Shugan Dochin
7. Tetsuzan Shikaku
8. Keigen Eisho
9. Chuzan Ryohun
10. Gisan Tonin
11. Shogaku Kenryu
12. Kinen Horyu
13. Teishitsu Chisen
14. Kokei Shojun
15. Sesso Yuho
16. Kaiten Genju
17. Shuzan Shunsho
18. Chozan Senetsu
19. Fukuchu Kochi
20. Meido Yuton
21.Hakuho Gentekki
22. Gesshu Soko
23. Tokuo Ryoko
24. Mokushi Soen
25. Genkyoku Ganki
26. Kokoku Soryu
27. Rosetsu Ryuko
28. Seggai Kozan
29. Shoryu Koho
30. Shokoku Zenko
32. MokudoTaisen