In early 2020 we started a project to help the Cuban Shanga to have a stable dojo, a place where they can practice Zazen daily, receive practitioners from inside and outside the island, as well as accommodate teachers visiting Cuba. Today, this project has materialised and is taking shape with the acquisition of a house of 240 square metres of covered space and 1,000 square metres of land with fruit trees, located 20km from Havana. This house has given rise to the temple of Kosen Shin Ji (Perfume Spirit of Zen).
We would like to express our deep respect and gratitude to all those who have participated, practising the paramita of the gift (fuse). With this collective energy and despite the difficulties in Cuba, the Dharma is manifesting. We have now erected a Zen temple, a Buddha house, where we can all practice the Way.
We leave the account open so that anyone who wants to can freely continue to support the cause. The conditions there are still very difficult, with the pandemic, tourism is very low and most people are starving. The church still needs basic necessities such as a refrigerator, kitchen utensils, beds, building materials, etc.
Zen Temple “Kosen Shin Ji” (Spirit of Zen perfume)
Objective: Zen Center in Cuba
The aim of the initiative is to create a Zen Centre in Cuba which, as well as being a Dojo for the practice of zazen, would allow the Sesshin in Cuba to be held in its own space and would provide accommodation for practitioners.
– Previously there was no zen temple in Cuba, the Havana Dojo is located in a flat, a private home.
– The Matanzas Dojo is itinerant, it has no headquarters; zazen is practised in parks and in spaces provided by the Metropolitan Community Church and the Pharmaceutical Museum.
Faced with the need for a Zen centre for the practice of the Way in Cuba, we were looking for a house with the necessary characteristics and at an affordable price. Several houses and land for sale were visited until the ideal house was found.
Through this initiative, in early 2020, the Sangha of Master Michel Taihei and the Sangha of Master Barbara Kosen joined forces to raise the necessary funding for the purchase of the property. This project materialised in October 2022 and took shape with the acquisition of a house of 240 square metres covered and 1,000 square metres of land with fruit trees, located 20km from Havana.
Zen Temple
- An urban temple for the development of the sesshin to be held in Cuba.
(until now the spaces have been rented, which are scarce and do not have the necessary conditions for the practice of the Way). - There is also a library, a conference room and another room dedicated to sewing and calligraphy.
- Convergence centre for people visiting the island (both teachers and practitioners in general).
- Later with a small boutique to raise funds with the creations of the Sangha members.
Location of Ko Zen Shin Ji Temple
The temple is situated 20km from Havana.C/ Real #70 e/ Jardín y Final, Reparto Lechuga, Managua. Municipio Arroyo Naranjo.Havana.
Donations – Fuse
We leave the bank account open so that anyone who wants to can freely continue to support the cause. The conditions there are still very difficult, with the pandemic, tourism has decreased a lot and most of the people are starving. The temple is still in need of basic necessities such as a refrigerator, kitchen utensils, beds, building materials, etc.
Donations must be made to the following bank account number:
IBAN: ES45 2100 1139 4113 0037 2957
DO NOT MENTION THE WORD “CUBA” in the transfer reference / description, to ensure a successful donation and avoid misunderstandings that may block the bank transfer.
Account holder: Asociación Zen Taisen Deshimaru
Asociación Zen Taisen Deshimaru (AZTD).
Contact person: Belén B.
(+34) 662 164 082
Asociación Zen Taisen Deshimaru (AZTD).
National Associations Registry nº: 145061
Date: 25 of April, 1995
Ministry of justice, Spain.