Maestra Barbara Kosen seal

Bárbara Kosen Zen Sangha
Zenkan – Taisen Deshimaru Zen Association

We would like to express our deep respect and gratitude to all those who have participated, practising the paramita of the gift (fuse). With this collective energy and despite the difficulties in Cuba, the Dharma is manifesting. We have now erected a Zen temple, a Buddha house, where we can all practice the Way. [+]

Initiative for the creation and financing of a Zen Center in Cuba
(Master Bárbara Kosen)



The Taisen Deshimaru Zen Association exists since 1.994 and was founded in Madrid by Zen Master Bárbara Kosen and her disciples for the establishing and diffusion of Zen Buddhism the way that was transmitted by Master Taisen Deshimaru, who introduced Zen in Europe in the seventies. The Mokusan Dojo at Madrid and Shorin-ji Zen Temple in Villanueva de la Vera are the sites where its activity takes place.


Is the way to sit in silence, transmitted from master to disciple since Shakyamuni Buddha, who experienced awakening through this specific posture, mind and body in unity. We practice Zazen on a daily basis and in group: “more wood, a bigger fire” – used to say Master Deshimaru. We silently realize the posture of the sitting Buddha, still and clear as the full moon. Zazen is complete action, without looking for personal profit; a source of wisdom and compassion. Read [+]


The dojo of the Silent Mountain. Daily practice of zazen in the center of Madrid. Practice schedules are in harmony with social life.  Read [+]

SHORIN-JI Zen Temple

Located in the south west slope of mount Almanzor, in the Sierra de Gredos. Shorin-ji means Woods of Awakening Temple. Far from the worldly noise in the depths of the mountain, the simple life of transmitted practice. Read [+]

Instagram: sanghazenbarbarakosen

Instagram: sanghazenbarbarakosen