Garments and sewing creations, by Silvana
Dear fellow Sangha members:
Hello everyone; I hope you are well and in good health.
As you know, I have been making kimonos, kolomos and other garments for the Sangha for a few years now.
In general these are designs related to our practice and some other creations such as bags that are useful to carry the zafus, or to keep the different objects and transport them.
I can make your kimono, kolomo and samu-e (short garment similar to the kimono that allows you to develop samu, the concentration in the actions). I just need to know your measurements and then, for the next sesshin, you will be able to wear your new practice dress. Don’t hesitate to ask me!
I wish you always the happiness of zazen.
With all my appreciation,
Silvana Verbauvede tel. (+34) 611 184 657.